Saturday, October 3, 2009

Reign of The Prince Begins....

A couple of weeks ago I had both nipples pierced. I am happy to report that they are both alive and well, and healing quite nicely I might add. However, it won't be until mid-November before they are completely healed and free for the touching again.

Since my nipple piercing experience was so resoundingly positive, it stirred an ambition within me to get another piercing. I never thought that I would say this, but dare I say a Prince Albert ?

I must confess that for many years I have been fascinated by guys who have Prince Alberts, otherwise known as PAs. I have been told by others and through doing my own research that PAs can be very erotically enhancing, not just for the wearer but also for one's sexual partner. At the end of August, Blair, who I can partially credit for inspiration, got a PA. He related that when he walks down the street he experiences this oh-so-wonderful sensation down there. When I attended the monthly TNT Men's Naked Dance last Saturday, I talked with a couple of guys who have PAs and a professional piercer all of whom confirmed this as well.

Doing something like this is, by no means, a spur-of-the-moment decision. After reading Blair's blog post about his reasons for getting a PA, I clearly identified with him when he talked about depression and the disconnection which one feels in relation to one's "naughty bits", as he so eloquently phrased it, and how it might provide that "jump start". In that same post I read with fascination about his experience actually getting the PA. All of this provided me with a firm foundation from which to work.

A week ago last Friday afternoon I visited Exotix, where I had my nipples pierced, and talked with SIX, a very capable, friendly and down-to-earth piercer, who had performed the procedure on my nipples. I asked him specific questions about PAs, including jewelry options. During our conversation, I discovered that the most uncomfortable part of the whole procedure is the insertion of the catheter, which Blair made perfectly clear in his blog post. Also, this type of piercing is the quickest to heal because of the vascular nature of this part of the body and when one pees the pee acts as a natural cleansing agent.

Last Wednesday night I ventured to Exotix and I did the deed. While waiting, just as before, there was paperwork which I needed to read, initial, and sign before anything else could proceed. An unusual sense of peace and calm - almost blissful, I might say - permeated my being.

Finally, my moment of truth had arrived when SIX emerged from the back. We briefly reviewed jewelry options and we settled on an 8-gauge captive bead design, which, for the uninitiated, is basically a metal ring of specific thickness and diameter with a small metal ball on its circumference. Then, as before, he led me into the examination room at the back.

While he and his assistant took some time to do necessary prep work, I removed my pants and undies, lay down on the table, and then waited. When he was ready, he revealed the catheter, basically a hollow metal tube about the size of a drinking straw, and the needle, which would guide the captive bead through. To help lighten the mood, he told me that he wouldn't take it personally if I started swearing during the procedure. Next, he instructed me to take in a deep breath through my nose. As I breathed out, I felt the catheter go in. The pain wasn't excruciating, but definitely pronounced. I felt my body stiffen and my hands clench the sides of the table. Even so, I didn't cry out. Within moments the open ring of the captive bead had been drawn through with the needle. I didn't even feel it. Then with a snap of the pliers, the ring was closed. It was done and I had lived to tell this tale.

As I lay on the table, SIX asked me how I was doing. I said that my body and naughty bits tingled with incredible electric sensations. I felt like I was floating, almost Zen-like. I knew that it was that initial flood of adrenalin followed by a rush of endorphins which made me feel this way.

I stayed on the table for a while longer as I returned to Earth, then I got up and dressed myself. I walked out to the front, paid my bill, and quickly reviewed the PA aftercare with SIX before I left.

Following the aftercare is very important and helps to accelerate the healing process. The aftercare for my PA is very similar to that for my nipple piercings. The day after I got my PA I began the four-week salt water soaking sessions, which I must perform twice daily for ten minutes each. Every fourth day I must lightly soap my dangly bits and rinse that area thoroughly so that no residual soap remains.

In addition to these conditions, SIX stressed that for the next four weeks I cannot engage in any sort of sexual activity with anyone else. After two weeks, however, I can begin masturbating once again - albeit, carefully -, but SIX stressed that I must wash my hands first. During this time, I know this is going to drive me crazy, but I will prevail!

The past couple of days after the piercing have been going well. The day after I got the PA I experienced one incident where I had a bloody discharge, but it didn't freak me out. I already knew that I might experience such an event.

The PA is still a bit tender, but this, I know, will quickly pass as the healing progresses. I am trying to be extra careful when I walk or bend down, just so I don't aggravate it too much. Once healed, I am certainly looking forward to the new erotic experiences which my new piercing has to offer.

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